Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ecomom Deal is ON Again $13.50 for $30 August 2012

Plum District is selling vouchers for $15 for $30 again. Yeah!

Get an additional 10% off with promocode:

You must use your Visa Card to check out for this 10% OFF promo code.

Get FREE Shipping on $50 order at Ecomom, too!

 I love Ecomom for baby food, gDiapers, toys and other eco-friendly gear. I've used these vouchers for FREE gDiapers, making it SUPER economical to cloth diaper my son. You can check out my scenarios, below...

Here are my FREE gDiaper scenarios:

1 Gdiaper $17.99
1 Gdiaper Cloth 6 pack $29.99
1 Plum Organic puff snacks $2.99
Shipping FREE
CREDIT -$30.00
TOTAL $20.97
TOTAL OUT OF POCKET (incl $13.50 coupon purchase) $34.47

That is like getting a Gdiaper for FREE

Another scenario: 3 Gdiapers 3 x $17.99 = 53.97
Shipping FREE
CREDIT -$30.00
TOTAL $23.97
TOTAL OUT OF POCKET (incl $13.50 coupon purchase) $37.47 FOR 3 G's

If 2 Gdiapers are $35.97, that is like getting 1 diaper for FREE!

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