Thursday, June 27, 2013

Easy Way to Get a Toddler to Take a Nap

I finally found a trick to get my toddler to take a nap without a car, a struggle, tears or skipping!!! Yippeeeee

Most days, my son and I do an activity in the morning and into the afternoon. Then, he naps in the car and we usually continue the nap at home. I used to struggle to get him to go down for a nap when we stayed at home. I dreaded it. Many times I would just let him stay up until he was ready to crash, but that could be almost 3:30 pm!

That was until my husband spend almost an hour, last Saturday, trying to get the little guy down for a nap, only to fail. My sister-in-law put him in his swing outside and lo and behold... he fell asleep! I put him in his crib for a lovely afternoon nap.

Since that day, we have both been sick with colds, and had to stay home. Thank goodness for the swing. It has got him down for his nap like a charm, every day! He falls asleep and I transfer him after a happy swing session. Love this!!!

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