Tuesday, June 11, 2013

School, Sports or Activities Fundraiser Idea - Mabel's Labels

Mabel's Labels makes high quality, waterproof, personalized labels for your child's personal stuff. They are great for school or camp! They also have household labels, clothing labels and safety labels (for kids with allergies and such). 

Household labelsSticky labels

Did you know that Mabel's Labels is also a great choice for a school or activities fundraiser? Yes, they offer full fundraiser support and capabilities, and I'm happy to help them get the word out!

Once the fundraiser has been set up your customers can shop through a specially created website link and your group gets a percentage of all sales. No more hauling boxes and filling forms because Mabel's Labels handles all orders, payments and deliveries. Get started today!

Allergy AlertsColourful Sticky Labels

I think my favorite thing is their Scan and Store labels, so you can locate your stuff with QR codes! That's for all you super organized households out there... or one's like mine that long to be!!!

Limited Edition Camp ComboScan & Store Labels

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