Saturday, September 20, 2014

Our Visit to Jurassic Quest at Del Mar Fairgrounds

Our little boy is almost 3 years old and he is a dinosaur fanatic. He has dinosaur books, toys, watches movies and shows, plays apps and games, and knows 5 syllable proper names of creatures I never even knew existed. When we found out Jurassic Quest was coming to Del Mar Fairgrounds, we knew we would have to make the trip down there to see their life sized, dinosaurs in person.

Jurassic Quest is a traveling show of museum quality, realistic, and animatronic dinosaurs in displays that feature the enormous reptiles in naturalistic environments.

When we got in there the little guy was a little scared... he's not quite 3 years old and these dinos were HUGE and they were roaring, and moving!

But then he warmed up to the idea of looking around...

...and checking them out.

All the dinosaurs are very realistic with all the authentic details. Many of them move, roar, and even appear to breathe! It was fascinating to see the life sizes of some of these creatures that you read about and have no idea the sheer enormity or the small cuteness of some of them.

Each display has information on the different creatures, so you can learn their names, where they lived, and what they ate - if your kid doesn't already know all of this. Ok, it is for the adults, so we don't look stupid when are asked about the eating habits of the Edmontosaurs by our two year olds.

There are some of the old faves like the Stegosaurus...

... and ones that I had to take a picture of the sign so I could remember it when when he asks me later.

The little guy liked it so much we had to walk through all the displays twice!

Then we got to meet a dinosaur that was walking around in the crowd.

After walking through the dinosaur displays, there are a bunch of other things to do, like ride dinosaurs,

dig for fossils,

bounce, slide, roll, and jump your way through the bouncy inflatable playground...

Many of the activities are an additional cost, or you can purchase VIP tickets, but you can find all that info on their website, under Ticket Info.

There is a science experiment station and a crafting station which are included in the regular ticket price.

Of course my little crafter had to spend some time crafting...

...and then he got eaten by a T-Rex, outside.

There are a ton of different food offerings outside and here at Del Mar Fairgrounds, they were allowed to sell beer :)

Jurassic Quest is a perfect event to enjoy with a dinosaur fan of any age - even the very little ones. Not only is it educational, but it transports you into a world that existed millions of years ago in a way that going to a musem and looking at bones, or reading a book and trying to imagine, does not. This is an experience not to miss if the dinosaurs happen to come to a city near you.

Check out all the information, see where they are going to be next and buy tickets, here.

Like me on Facebook for more LOCAL Southern CALIFORNIA places to go and things to do  AND opportunities to WIN tickets to events and places like this!

* We received complimentary tickets to attend the Dinosaur Quest event but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. What a super, neat park! My girls would Love this! I hope to take them to a dinosaur museum or park before too long.

  2. That looks amazing. It looks like you can get close enough to really see the details too. I've always been fascinated by dinosaurs so I know I would love this. Just added it to my bucket list, thanks for the great pictures.


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