Saturday, November 22, 2014

Vegan Protein Packed Pancakes

My husband hates stuff in his pancakes. He only likes regular pancakes made with white flour. I'm the opposite. I like anything and everything on or in my pancakes. I especially love a hearty, healthy pancake. My son is sort of like me with his pancakes in that he will pretty much eat any type of pancake hot or cold. He's a healthy little bug!

Well, this week my husband was out of town and the day before he came home I realized that I should make his anti-pancake before he got home so the little guy and I could enjoy them our way. We eat mostly vegetarian/vegan food, so I always like to make sure we get an extra punch of protein in the morning. Foods that have protein are chia, oatmeal, nuts, whole wheat flour so I decided to put ALL of those things in my pancakes! They were hearty, healthy, and delicious!

Plus, I had delicious raspberries in the fridge and any good blogger knows that when you have raspberries, you put them on a recipe and Instagram it with a recipe to follow on the blog.


2 cups whole wheat flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons sugar
2 1/2 cups non-dairy milk (I use soy)
4 tablespoons coconut oil or vegetable oil (plus some for your pan)
1/2 cup oats (I use rolled oats)
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Yield 8-10 medium pancakes.


Cook your 1/2 cup oatmeal on the stove with 1 cup water according to package directions. Add chia seeds.

In one bowl, mix your flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.

If coconut oil is used, warm it up in the microwave to turn it into liquid if it is not in a liquid state.

Dig a hole in the middle of your dry mixture and pour your milk into the center. Slowly stir the dry ingredients into the milk. DO NOT over-mix. Do not worry too much about lumps. Over-mixing will result in a less fluffy pancake.

Add in your cooked oatmeal with chia seed and your chopped walnuts.

Once fully mixed, add in your liquefied coconut oil.

Set your mixture aside and heat your skillet to low-medium. Coat your pan in a little coconut oil and pour your pancake on. Once bubbles form, it should be ready to flip. The correct temp pan will produce a golden brown pancake.


  1. These look really good. I have not had anything like this. I wonder how it really tastes. It does look like it would be delicious.

  2. These are making my mouth water... And they are healthy! what?!?! :)

  3. These look delicious! Thanks for the recipe :)

  4. These look so yummy! I love they are vegan. My daughter is vegan and having recipes that she will eat is really helpful! Especially ones that I want to eat too :)


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