Thursday, February 5, 2015

Smoked Apple Sage Field Roast Vegan Sausage

No fancy recipe, no they didn't pay me to say this... I just wanted to take a quick moment to put my thoughts out there on the Smoked Apple Sage Field Roast vegan sausage that hubby cooked up for us last night. We have tried a lot of the different sausages out there and I think this is my new favorite. 

If you haven't tried Field Roast, yet, I highly recommend it. This was DElicious! My 3 year old found it a little spicy, but it is one of those things where the pepper lingers a little after you eat it, so he had already consumed almost the entire sausage when he decided it was too spicy. Ooops! My super-picky hubby liked it too.

Now I remember it being slightly pricey, compared to other vegan sausage, but totally worth it!!! I bought it frozen and he defrosted in a baggy dipped into hot water prior to cooking and it came out perfect.

Check out their site and find out where to buy if you are looking for that special vegan sausage in your life... I will be stocking my freezer BIG TIME if I ever see these on sale!


  1. Looks so delish!!!! Where can I buy this hun?

  2. Interesting! I would have never guess, by just looking at the picture, that the sausage was actually vegan....looks tasty.

  3. I could dig right into this healthy plate!

  4. Looks very delicious! I'd love to try the vegan sausages.


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