Friday, June 12, 2015

Family, Food, Fun, and Flowers - Summer 2015 Kicking Off

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I always like to share what's going on with us, especially if we got some good photos during the week, have projects or travel going on, or we haven't done much writing/blogging in a while. I do as much blogging as possible but we have a bunch of other fun activities, recipes, gardening, traveling going on so it's getting a little crazy! Cute vegan oatmeal, happy Disneyland kids, California poppies, and an American Clipper. This is the kickoff to my family's summer 2015.This is two weeks worth of pictures. 

This week we snapped a decent selfie and took Baby's First Trip to Disneyland. It wasn't all we dreamed about, but we survived...

I made some cute oatmeal bowls.

All fruit, veggies, and Almond Butter is from Farm Fresh to You - (only delivers in California)

Organic Oats and Chia Seed are from Amazon
These are my favorite: Bob's Red Mill Organic Oats Rolled Thick,

Some cute vegan salad bowls.

Annie's BBQ Sauce is from Vitacost.. I don't remember if I got the Organicville Dressing from TJ's or Frazier Farms.

My smoothies are still ugly, but everyone drinks them! Kale Mango Blueberry. I needed to get rid of stuff, ok?

Hubby did a quick trip to guess where?!

London! There is a great fashion discount store in London called Primark where he picks up a whole bunch of fun clothes for us. He knows our style!

Then as soon as he got home from London, I had the RV (almost) ready to go literally about 3 miles from our house to camp with friends. We own a vintage American Clipper RV and we LOVE her!

We had a blast and baby had her first camping trip, too! Our 3 year old had such a great time with his friends. We have 2-3 summer trips planned and hopefully a few more will happen, so get used to seeing a lot of this vehicle this summer. 

He protected his sister at the campsite in his new Tee from Primark. 

Meanwhile, at home, we still have some special color poppies blooming. I'm spreading the seeds and getting ready for the next phase in the garden. Summer!

This poppy is tall and dark almost red underneath. There's a light pink one in the background. Only three special plants bloomed from a seed packet. We'll see what happens next year.

Follow me on Instagram for more photos!


  1. Gorgeous family! I love the berry bowl the most!

  2. Looks like a memorable trip anyway ;) at least you are good :)

  3. Summer is such a fun time--I really like the strawberry hearts!

  4. I love the selfie picture of your family! Also, the clothes located at the Primark store are comfortable looking!

  5. Oh you guys were busy busy busy!! That vegan salad bowl.... :o Oh yum!!! Im pretty jealous as we haven't done anything too exciting yet :/ thanks for the inspiration!

  6. That salad looks so good although I'm not sure about tofurkey!

  7. It looks like you had a lot of fun! I would love to get an RV and go camping, but my husband isn't too cute! Almond butter sounds so good right now!

  8. all the food looks good! You have a nice little family.

  9. Looks like you all have a great time together! Gorgeous kids!! Love the pic of all of you squished into a selfie shot!!! lol

  10. looks like a fun time- you have a beautiful family

  11. What an excellent start for summer!


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