Monday, February 29, 2016

A Wine Gift that Comes with a Day Off or Time Out

My husband's job involves a lot of world travel. One of our favorite things to do when he's home is to enjoy a bottle of wine and just spend time together. It was quite a coincidence that sent me this bottle of Dad's Day Off Chianti to review while Hubby was over in London and Dubai. He loves Chianti and returning home safely from a trip is always an excuse to celebrate.

I uncorked this lovely bottle of Dad's Day Off with my exhausted hubby. The sentiment was not lost on him. Dads like him work hard! He needs a day off.

I know it sounds glamorous that he travels to Japan, Korean, Florida making trips around the world his normal commute but he dreads the long hours stuck in a plane and in transit, misses his family terribly, has an awful time finding healthy vegetarian food, and has constant jetlag no matter where he is sleeping or not sleeping.

Do you know a Dad like this? Or a Mom?? 
A parent who so selflessly has to spend so many long days working when they would much rather be enjoying time with their loved ones deserves a day off!

Get someone who needs it a "Day Off" or "Time Out"! 

Not only was Dad's Day Off a really cute gift for my hubs but it was a rich and fruity, well-balanced wine, with the characteristic spicy notes of Chianti. We enjoyed it with some chocolate but it would have been fabulous with a beautiful Italian meal. 

I was impressed that a novelty bottle like this was such a great tasting Italian wine. Since they also make a nice variety of Mommy's Time Out wines, I encourage everyone to think of these when they would like to give me a gift. Just like Daddy can always use a Day Off, Mommy will happily accept a kid-free Time Out. They also have a hilarious First Rate Old Fart Red for when Hubby gets old, ha!

Buy at or ask for it at your local liquor store. 

Learn more here:

* We received a complimentary bottle of Dad's Day Off in order to facilitate this review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

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