Thursday, August 25, 2016

How to Do a Baby Nursery on a 3 Day Weekend Like a BOSS with FREE Labor

This post was made possible by iConnect and Luvs. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.

So you've waited until the last minute with the baby's room, you feel like you're ready to pop, and the stress is about to consume you like the summer heat when you step out of the cool AC for an excruciating pregnant hike to the mailbox. Lucky for you, there is an oasis ahead, called Labor Day, and with it comes the magic of time nearly resetting itself with the jackpot bonus of a THREE day weekend!!! Time to breathe. I'm here to provide you the easiest way to get that nursery up and running, on any budget, in the nick of time.

First, before you get started, you need to know the essentials for the nursery. We are going to keep it simple and cost effective.

Here's what you WILL need in the room:
  • A place for the baby to sleep (crib/bassinet/even a pack-n-play will do)
  • Bedding (just a fitted sheet and a spare or two for the bed; anything else in there is dangerous)
  • A place to change a diaper 
  • Diapers (the really absorbent kind. REALLY absorbent.
  • Wipes 
  • Baby Clothes
  • A place to keep diapers wipes and clothes (shelf, dresser, closet - your choice) 
  • A hazmat bin to encapsulate the dirty diapers, wipes, clothes (long handled tongs optional)
  • Bonus item: I highly recommend a baby swing in hopes that your baby will love it like mine did and actually let you put her down once in a while.
Now it is time to asses the remodeling renovation aspect and whether you are dealing with a space that needs a coat of paint or one that needs a wrecking ball and home makeover edition cast and crew.

For the baby room renovation you will need:
  • Flooring (hardwood, laminate, carpet, or make it easy and just throw a rug to hide whatever is already there)
  • Finished, painted walls (cover holes or imperfections with spackle, bigger ones at chest level and above with artwork or decorations. Shhhh.) 
  • Window treatments (to make it as dark as possible during the daytime and stage a ruse for naps)
  • Lighting (lamps will keep it simple if you don't want to hard wire fixtures during crunch time and an attractive ceiling medallion can cover a hole until you guys get fired up again).
...and that is it. Really!

Anything beyond what I outline in this post is entirely up to you but I assure you, you don't need a life-sized giraffe, custom wall murals, or monogrammed throw pillows. Those may be nice to have but I'm going to be blunt. Babies don't care. And life-sized giraffes border on creepy.

Besides, saving money on all of the baby gear and essentials is the key to affording the minivan, extracurricular activities, and extravagant theme park vacations later on.

If you stick to good inexpensive diapers and use coupons you may be able to afford minivans and vacations.

Speaking of saving money, print this $2 Off Luvs Diaper Coupon and clip the one in this Sunday's paper!
(Sunday August 28/2016 in the P&G insert)

Now for the 3 Day Labor Day Weekend Plan:

Decor Pre-work. Choose your art. Purchase your crib or bassinet. Select your bedding. Decide where you are going to change your baby's clothes and diapers, where you will put the clean and dirty stuff, and purchase the items accordingly.

Don't break the budget on art. A quick $5 in materials and child made DIY will cover holes in the wall just as well as a $125 framed artist print.

Forget Pre-work. Who has time for that?! Did you procrastinate, again?! Fortunately there are stores that specialize in baby stuff, have EVERYTHING you need, and it is your lucky day because they ALL have Labor Day sales and are salivating at the thought of selling everything you need for your last minute nursery to you.

Time for the fun part! Shopping!!!

Momma-to-be's Role. YOU will go on the first trip to the hardware store to select the paint colors, light fixtures, and window treatments. You can buy everything you need from easy to assemble flooring, carpet, or rugs, to lamps, crystal chandeliers, and switch plate covers at the hardware store. This is the FUN part!

Bring measurements, pictures, or sample decor items that you want to match or compliment the paint, flooring or lighting. After this you are the site manager, project coordinator, and cheerleader.

Call in the troops. If you can get your partner, friends, or family members to help, now is the time to call in the favors. It is Labor Day after all! Bribery with food, beer, and campaign promises are perfectly acceptable. (Save the beer until the work is done and have someone else on your team make the food OR get takeout. The only labor the Mom-to-be should be doing comes with contractions.)

HOT Tips:
Even a 3 year old can enjoy "Labor" Day weekend with dropcloths and tape. 
Don't wait until bath time to find out why painters should wear hats! #paintinhair #theybothneeded haircuts

Divide and conquer. Hand out the tasks The baby's room needs to be cleaned out from top to bottom. Most likely another trip to the hardware store is needed. Furniture may need to be refinished and/or assembled. Once again, someone needs to go to the hardware store. Your husband may be taking an awfully long time in the bathroom at this point but there's tools everywhere, probably a crowbar somewhere. You are not too pregnant to use a crowbar. No matter how exhausted your team is, do what it takes to make sure you are not the one that has to make ANOTHER trip to the hardware store.

More coffee, Dad???

How to manage a team: Feel free to start giving out snacks, caffeine, or cocktails to those that deserve it or could use a little encouragement and don't be afraid to give out pink slips if someone is not pulling their weight.

Make sure everyone on your team is pulling their OWN weight or they're fired!

As things come to a close on this exhausting and productive three day weekend, the paint smell still wafts through the hall, and the sweet sounds of a repetitive lullaby from an adorable color-coordinated mobile tests its battery life. You can neatly stack the baby's freshly washed wardrobe, and stock the Luvs diapers, which are undoubtedly made with real love, in neat rows on the changing table.

There is one final reminder. The baby will most likely be co-sleeping right next to your bed for the first six weeks or so in a pack-n-play, a swing, or directly on top of you, and will not spend one waking minute in that nursery you just blew Labor Day weekend on.

The #1 Top Rated Sleep Location.

The most important thing is that everyone is happy, healthy, and you have back stock in diaper brand like Luvs that has Ultra Leakguards with NightLock Plus™ so everything that is supposed to stay inside does until you have a fresh one ready to go. You will need a lot of those!

Of course the baby sleeps in a pack-n-play in my room. And by sleep I mean "what the heck is that?!"

NO. SLEEP. 'TIL MORNING! For Anyone! At least the swing works. See what I mean about that?

This is the other preferred sleep location.

*The Luvs coupon offering $2 off any one diaper pack will be found in the Sunday paper's P&G insert and can be used at any mass, discount, or grocery stores where Luvs Diapers are sold.

** Also, if these diapers don't work for the baby, there is a Luvs Money Back Guarantee: If you aren’t satisfied with the leakage protection of Luvs, they’ll refund your money. See their website,, for details.

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They have a UNIVERSAL registry so you can shop ALL sites 
(not just Amazon)
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