Monday, December 12, 2016

10 Ways Little Kids Can Give Back for the Holidays

It is that time of the year again, when for some kids, it is all about the gifts, the stuff, Santa Claus, and me me me. It may seem like there isn't much a little kid can do to help others, give back, or give to charity but simply educating them about kids who are less fortunate is a start. 

This year we received the catalog from CARE where you can actually buy gifts like food and school uniforms for young girls make a huge impact with larger gifts like sponsoring business management training for up to 60 women! This is a great way to inspire all of our kids to give back!

Here are 10 ways little kids can give back for the holidays:

1. Go through all clothing, books, and toys the kids have outgrown and donate to a local charity.

2. Start a donation jar so kids can put in money they receive as gifts or allowance and they choose their own charity to donate to.

3. Let the kids choose a charity so relatives can donate in their name (great for kids who are inundated and overloaded with toys!)

4. Add a CARE certificate to a child's gift with a set amount that you will donate on their behalf for whatever gift they choose to give. (Yes! This still counts and they will get to experience how good it feels to help someone!)

5. Identify someone locally that could use a little pick-me up and surprise them with a special handmade ornament, card, or gift.

6. Help make care packages for the homeless with things like warm socks, snacks, wet wipes, etc.

7. Contact a local nursing home and arrange for a visit with some friends for Christmas caroling, handing out candy canes or handmade ornaments, or volunteer in some capacity.

8. Do a yard cleanup or shovel snow for a local elderly or handicapped neighbor.

9. Learn about how the food you eat affects climate change and find more plant based foods to eat together to lessen your carbon footprint. Meatless Monday is a great start and saves animals too!

10. Seek out opportunities for kids to smile and say "hello" to others when they are out and about. It is amazing what a little kids smile and greeting can do for a lonely soul!

If you have a great idea for how little kids can give back, please let us know in the comments!

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