Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Vegan Crispy Chikn Wraps

I decided to throw myself into some video editing again. I shot this hands only Vegan Crispy Chickn  Wrap video the other day and finally got around to editing it. I think it came out pretty nice for a newbie! It is such a great little wrap and so easy to make if you can get your hands on some frozen Gardein Nuggets. It is an easy win for the older kids and teens. It makes an easy lunch that can be wrapped up to go in the morning or an easy dinner at home.

What You Need:

Medium/Large tortillas
Gardein Nuggets or other plant-based "meat"
Vegan mayo
Dill Pickles

What You Do:
Put it all in a wrap, be generous with the mayo, and roll it up!

Check it out. Let me know what you think and please please please like the video on Youtube and Subscribe to my channel! I need some love!

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