Monday, November 7, 2011

Making Money with Freelance Writing on Hubpages

There are many sites that allow you to publish your writing on practically any subject, but is one of my favorites!

I published a few articles or "hubs" as they call them and enabled my google adsense account, my Amazon Associates account and Hubpages own ad program. I never really saw a large payout from anything, just pennies here, a dollar there.

However, in the last few weeks, I started to put a little more focus on adding articles, summaries for the articles, tags, links back and forth from one article to the next, and fine tuning and editing titles, photos, and content.

I am now up to 17 hubs and I am seeing about $.10 to $.15 on hubpages ad program each day.

Here is my best performing hub to date: Kate Middleton's Wedding Bouquet

Feel free to click on my hubpages profile, peruse all my content, and see what you think!

It is not paying that much,yet, but it has inspired me to keep going and it is a very easy way to jam out content for your creative outlet.

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