Tuesday, February 5, 2013

40 More Free Recyclebank Points

Learn all about reducing your impact on the environment while earning points you can use for coupons, gift cards, discounts etc.

FIRST Sign in or Sign up for Recyclebank.

Here are the newest ways to earn:
Use This link then choose "Easy Green" for 40 points
Discover how aluminum is recycled 30 points
Learn about recycling cans from Coors 100 points

Also, you can still earn with these links:
Calculate your households energy usage and earn 15 points
Learn how a recycled cereal box can brighten the world 15 points

Then, if you haven't already, you can still get tons of points by going HERE for the SC Johnson House.
You can get your points for August, September and October,November and December!!! Click the targets for points and hover around to find 2 hidden for each month.

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