Monday, June 10, 2013

*Updated* Recyclebank - Get Over 600 Points - and FREE Home Depot gift cards!

Learn all about reducing your impact on the environment while earning points you can use for coupons, gift cards, discounts etc.

FIRST Sign in or Sign up for Recyclebank.

Here are the newest ways to earn:
A Fresh Approach to Paper - 270 points
Calculate your household's energy usage - 15 points
Energize your summer - 30 points
Learn about landfills - 30 points
Learn about recycling worldwide - 10 points
The Green 15 - 150

Older Points still available:

Discover how aluminum is recycled 30 points
Learn about recycling cans from Coors 100 points
Calculate your households energy usage and earn 15 points

I finally got my FREE Home Depot $10 gift card with 2500 points I saved up. These gift cards are helping me with my DIY Front Yard which is a very slooooooow process!

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