I loved the knight costume. He loved it too!
It was nearly impossible to get him to pose for a picture...
Lulu was much better at posing!
Happy Halloween Dada!
Happy Halloween Mama$$$$!!!!
Welcome to the Vegan Mom Blog! Veganism is MAGIC! I went VEGAN 1 week before getting pregnant with my 2nd baby after trying for 1 year! I'm sharing ALL of my EASY vegan recipes, vegan kids' lunches, vegan books for kids, vegan clothes, vegan shoes, vegan travel here. I will only share reviews on products that are cruelty free and do not harm animals here. I am PR friendly and interested in working with your brands!
I guess this was the year of the knight! My grandson was one too - with his Mom's crocheted chainmail and all. Your little one is just as cute!