Monday, February 24, 2014

Vegan Cashew Cocao Cookies

This recipe was adapted from Healthy Blender Recipes

I have been searching for recipes for the 2 bags of unprocessed raw organic cocao (I got the Navitas Naturals Organic Raw Cacao Powder, 16-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 2) that I bought on Amazon. This recipe, I found from Healthy Blender Recipes sounded super easy. Not only is it vegan and pretty darn healthy, but it incorporated cashews, which I also wanted to use up, so I could order another 5 lb bag. There is NO refined sugar in this recipe either. Only maple syrup, which is still sugar, but contains a little calcium and iron, too!

I tried the recipe from Healthy Blender which uses coconut oil and it was yummy, but my husband always complains about my rampant coconut oil use so I switched it out for organic buttery spread, fake butter, whatever you want to call it.

These cookies are delicious and packed with protein, magnesium, and iron. They taste like dark chocolate with a tinge of sea salt and and make a great snack, dessert, and yes, I even ate them with my breakfast!

Here's what you need:
2 cups cashews
1/2 cup cacao or cacao powder
2 Tbsp vegan butter or oil
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp sea salt

Here's what you do:

Preheat oven to 300.

Pulse the cashews a few times in your food processor until they are ground pretty well.

Next, add in the cacao and pulse some more until it is mixed well.

You can mix the the maple syrup, vanilla extract and softened imitation butter in a small bowl, or just add them directly to your cashew cocao mix and pulse until your dough is formed into a ball.  

Refrigerate your dough for 10-15 minutes.

Roll out to about 1/4 inch in between two sheets of parchment or a sliced open storage baggie.

Use a cookie cutter or shot glass to cut your cookies out. 

Place on your cookies sheet in oven at 350 for 10 min, turn oven off, and allow cookies to sit until oven cools. 

If you pull the cookies out before it cools completely, you will get a softer cookie. 

If you wait a little longer, you will get a crisp buttery cookie.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something from the links, I will receive a small commission. It is kind of like being paid to write except maybe in a Third World country where you work 8 days a week to make what the developed world employee makes in a minute. No I will not get rich, but I will still greatly appreciate it and thank you thank you thank you!


  1. They sounds so simple and yummy! I love that the recipe does not use flour though. Makes it easier for me to cook!

  2. Thank you for the recipe. This is something that I would try to make.

  3. these look very delicious and these look very chewy

  4. Interesting recipe. They sound good. I would totally make them.

  5. I love any dessert that tastes like dark chocolate!

  6. I love cashews so will definitely make these!


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