* If you click links on this post and make a purchase I may receive a commission which we will surely spend on more LEGO, and not tell my husband, so thanks in advance if you support our LEGO habit.
I'm dealing with a major transition on our hands. Our boy just turned 3 and has ditched the "baby" LEGO for good with a newfound obsession for LEGO Chima. I'm not sure if it is because someone gave him a Chima Speedorz set that he went a little wild over, or if we fed the beast with a 4-pack of Chima Minifigs that got tragically left behind when we took a mini-vacay to Disneyland and had to be replaced with 2 more Speedorz Sets and a another 4-pack of characters.

Maybe it's the fact that Netflix has season 1 and 2 of the Chima cartoon that we watched in our "quiet time" or Mommy's Money Making and Movie Mondays where he gets what some moms may consider an excessive amount of tv time...
Either way, I'm a bad mom, or the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD depending on your perspective because we have been buying, collecting, and building LEGO Chima (meant for kids twice his age) when it is not his birthday, no longer Christmas, and as he has been as he put it "a little bit naughty."
Apparently he was not naughty enough for yet another LEGO Chima set and an all day play day at LEGOLAND. (I really didn't think he was that naughty... if I correct him from bad behavior and he listens and turns it around without any lip service, tears or yelling, it doesn't count. He really was a good boy IMO). I ditched a sink full of dishes, a mountain of laundry, and a list of chores that says "continued on page 2" at the bottom. I'm naughty, too, kid, so let's just keep things quiet and carry on with our good times.
So just because he can't get around the track without t-boning every other kid and curb crashing every 5 seconds at the Junior Driving School...
This is why Mommy won't let you drive when we go on the Boating School ride...
... and still hasn't developed the skills to look at the camera or even register that he can see where Mommy is standing or what or where her camera even is...

... he's a good kid, SUPER smart with the LEGO, I think I'm a pretty rad mom, and for this we play.
I'm 24 but I still wish to visit Legoland some day! Looks like a lot of fun there!