Saturday, January 10, 2015

Decorating - Baby Room Prep - Post 1

With the baby countdown moving quickly toward the finish line, the boys got to work painting her room. I had a little bit of a clue what I wanted to do in here, but if I learned one lesson from our first child, it is that spending a lot of money decorating a baby room is not really worth it. First, they don't spend a whole lot of time in here, at least in my house. We had the little guy in our room for a while. Flash forward a few years and I am ready to re-decorate and furnish his room for a "big boy."

So I decided that it was most important just to get this room finished with paint, trim, lighting, flaws, and anything else left over from when we bought this house and we will most likely use my son's crib, dresser (if I can find him a big boy bedroom set soon) and glider. My 3 year old and I will be making some artwork to dress up the walls. 

These boys really got to work!

The horrible blue color was the previous owners mistake. We only really added the laminate flooring when we purchased the house a few years ago because we had to do flooring throughout the entire upstairs. There is no light fixture in this room, there were holes in the walls, there was a landline telephone cord glued all around the room (thanks guys), the closet doors are wonky, and there is no ceiling fan. The awful blue needed to be covered with primer first so we could paint light colors.

So what color did we decide to go with? Well, my first choice was a safe sea green. Then, on our paint selection trip to the hardware store I found 3 lovely rainbow sherbet colors of light yellow, light orange, and pink in the sale section. We bought 3 gallons of paint for less than the price of one. I love that my husband got on board right away to do something creative, and my son was enthusiastic about helping get the job done.

Our little boy actually helped the entire time! He is very proud of his work in making his sister's room nice for her. I love that he is involved.

We decided to paint two walls yellow, one pink, and one orange. I was a little nervous at first, but I figured it would come look custom, unique, and special when it was done.

He is so cute with his mini-roller.

The colors look amazing!

I'm so excited to see it all done!

Today we are getting new trim.

We may even add a little color blocking, stripe or detail to the paint, but we want to get the furniture in, first, to see what it needs. Plus my hubby isn't so great with the straight lines and taping and this was tough for him to do without making a mess!

I will update soon!


  1. I love that shade of yellow. Your decorating process looks so fun. Good luck arriving at a final product. :)

  2. cant wait how it looks! love that color and the little one helping!


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