Big Brother gave up his art to the baby, since he has a new Big Boy Room. In case you were wondering, she is still not here, yet. Due date is in 7 days! He also gave up his lamp on the lower left, and his glider rocker.
As you can probably see, the blinds aren't up, the plugs and switchplates need to be changed, the paint needs the finishing touches, the fan/lighting needs to be installed etc...
I guess you could say that we are really behind, but at the same time, I didn't really plan on finishing the room until she was here, because first, she is going to be in our room for a little while, and second, I want to help with the paint touch-ups. I'm the detail person around here... Plus there is so much other stuff we have going on!
The great thing is that my 3 year old not only gave up his crib and all this other stuff (you can check out his Big Boy Room Makeover, here) but he also painted a couple beautiful works of art to decorate her room!
I always love how he mixes and places his colors. He even paints the outside edges of his canvases now!
I think I'd like to do the baby's name on canvases for over her crib. Each canvas would have a letter and a handprint animal that starts with the letter, courtesy of her Big Brother, the artist. I will make sure I have extra canvas so as soon as he lays down that handprint, he is back painting on his own and I can get all Pinterest Mom on the handprint art, again.
He also donated the raccoon on her door from his old baby room wall decals. I started to cry a little bit that he was growing up too fast and he told me not to be sad and that he would stay 3 years old forever for me! Ok, dude, you just made me cry some more. This kid is just too much! Love him!!!
Then he kicked me and told me he didn't like me. Damn threenager.
So stay tuned, we will have this room together, soon. I'm going to try to micromanage the details as much as possible, and the little girl is going to LOVE it. We all know babies are extremely particular about their decor, but I think we are nailing it!
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cute artwork! that fox is adorable!!
ReplyDeletethats beautiful art
ReplyDeleteThis is too cute! He did a wonderful job! I love the nursery!
ReplyDeleteLoving the Owl!
ReplyDeleteI love the windows in the nursery. The art is cute too. ;)
ReplyDeletewow reminds me of a nursery/museum very different.
ReplyDeleteits' nice to see something instead of freakin monkeys and jungle themes lol