Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Day in Pictures - 6 Day Old Baby, LEGO Deal of the Century, Good Vegan Food

I thought I'd share a few more family photos, of our day, yesterday, because we had some cute moments and yummy food. My son is very much in love with his baby sister. He is so happy to see her in the morning!

He asked to go to the playground and it just so happened that my wonderful playgroup was gathering at the park, so Daddy took him. Of course, going out with Daddy means two things. You WILL stop for fast food (Del Taco) and you WILL stop at Walmart, Target, or anther store that has toys and get spoiled. 

This particular day, Hubby happened onto a LEGO sale at Walmart and got ALL of these sets for less than the price of one! The large sets were $20 each, regularly $80!!! I was a little shocked when they came in with all of these... but I know that Daddy on the Dollar knows how to shop a good Clearance Sale just like Mommy on the Money!

To finish the day, I made a yummy vegan bowl for dinner. The boys are both REALLY picky eaters, so I just made a little of everything and everyone got to make their own plate. My plate had a little of everything because I like everything!!! Here's what's in it: Field Roast Sausage, baked sweet potato, red quinoa, rainbow carrots, broccollini, Romanesco cauliflower, pasta. Soooooooo good!


  1. how cute my younger brother loves legos. He looks like he is going to be a great big brother

  2. Being a big brother is hard. It's nice that he's learning from a young age.

  3. My kid loves LEGO, he would flip with those!!!

  4. WOW WOW on the Lego score!!! That is one heck of a deal!

  5. what a preciouis beautiful picture.. you should be such a proud mama!!


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