Don't tell anyone, but we are having a really great time with this baby. I am knocking on some wood, right now, but we are having two good 3 hour stretches of sleep at night, she is nursing like a champ, and she has been such an easy, sweet, good little girl.

We really are having the best time with Daddy off from work, this week. I wish he could be off for longer, but he wants to get back in the office, at least part time this week because he doesn't want to fall behind and he wants to be there for his team. Luckily, his team is amazing and they are handling almost everything for him right now so he can enjoy his time. Things are good. Really good.
One of the coolest things that the boys got to do was build a ton of LEGO Bionicle figures. Believe it or not, I found an entire box of Bionicle parts when I was walking my dog years ago. Since I worked for LEGOLAND, I knew they were too good to pass up and kept them stored until now. Hubby found the box when he was cleaning up the garage and him and the boy spent the past 2 days building them. All. Day. Long. I'm pretty sure they will continue, tomorrow! I just love watching them build!
The boys went to Disneyland on Thursday and brought back big boy and little sister Buzz Lightyear Blasters. Baby D is practicing for a high score when she gets her little butt to Disney for the first time! Her brother is still in LOVE with her. Can it always be this way?
Me? I spent a lot of time like this:
I just can't get enough of this. I have been avoiding pictures without makeup because I got this weird skin issue under my nose. They tested me for a staph infection which thank goodness was negative but it will NOT go away. OB said it should disappear after the baby is here, but she is here and I'm still a mess. Kinda reminds me of when I got ringworm when I was preggo the first time. Why do I get freaky, creepy skin issues when I'm pregnant?! Calling the dermatologist on Monday. I've had enough of this and tried all the home remedies I can find and nothing is working...
This bloomed in the garden, today!

And I made my favorite Vegan Nacho Cheese this afternoon.
We are enjoying every minute of our time together this week. I know this time is going to fly by, and I don't want to miss a moment. Life is good.
She is adorable. Enjoy those snuggles, it won't be long before she is up moving around by herself. :)