Monday, April 6, 2015

The Easter Vegan Cheese Platter

Believe it or not, this is all vegan cheese. We do a vegetarian/vegan Easter at my parents' house and this was my contribution this year. Recipes were from and Vegan Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe from 

Had to add some Annie's Bunny crackers for the holiday.

I still think the cheese ball is my fave.

The cheese ball on the lower left is the Vegan Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe from The one on the right is the same without the sun dried tomatoes because hubby doesn't like them. The one in the back is the reciped they emailed out for the December holidays and didn't set well this time so I made it into a dip. The one in the far right is the same but with soaked almonds and fresh pineapple chunks. That one didn't set well either so - DIP!


  1. Vegan Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe is such a great one! This platter looks deliciously appealing even though I'm not vegan!


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