Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Picture This Last Week

The smiles are getting BIG this week! Hooray for baby smiles at 2 months old!!! Two months old and outgrowing size small or 0-3 months. We are really enjoying our baby and it makes me a little sad to see her outgrowing cute things that I love, especially some of her small cloth diapers, so I'm freezing time for a moment...
I'm going to remember these cute little baby diapers forever!

Especially this one...

Even our size small gDiapers are getting a little tight...

 Maybe it's all the great food we've been making in this house, like this Vegan Rosemary Bread Machine Bread...

or this gorgeous salad... 

or all the vegan ice cream...

or the fries...

We had our first trip with the baby to LEGOLAND this week!

But the little one stayed in her Ergo Carrier for the whole time. 

Her brother and I checked out the new Death Star exhibit, did the splash pad at Pirate Shores, and walked around with some of our besties. Then we came home and trashed the house with LEGO.

Speaking of trashing the house... if you follow my blog, you know that we are in the preliminary phases of home improvements on our fixer upper house. Hubby surprised me, this weekend with a garage demo. Yay?

Surprise! Garage Demo!!!

We've been cleaning out the garage, trying to find all the baby stuff and whatnot. He has been dying to do a remodel out here. I guess he just couldn't help himself! He's been tackling so much demo here in the last few weekends on the fence and the yard. It will be nice to get to the rebuilding phase soon, I hope!!!

I am so glad to get rid of these disgusting old shelves and would you believe that metal desk is built into this messed up configuration?! Who does stuff like this?! I'd much rather be dealing with our gorgeous worm bin...

I'm very proud of our worm bin! The right side is almost full. To the right is paper I'm soaking. To the left is the open side ready to start a fresh worm bin.

The guys are doing great, by the way! Working their wormy butts off as long as we keep feeding them with vegan kitchen scraps.

The little guy loves to help with this!


  1. I see you've got yourself a handful of tasks there at home. I wish your family luck and energy!

  2. Very cool how you handle everything nice job.

  3. your two babies are super cute, congrats!

    The Color Palette


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