Friday, June 5, 2015

Easy Vegan Chili Corn on the Cob

We went to Disneyland the other day and I'm always looking to try "secret" food or vegan food in the parks. This was the first time I noticed that the nasty turkey leg stand that I've always steered clear of had corn on the cob. They have a Chili Lime version and a butter corn on the cob. I devoured my Chili Lime - I really hope it's fully vegan. I'm going to have to verify that, and my son loved the plain buttered one. 

It was just in time for corn season in our Farm Fresh to You boxes so I got to cook up my own corn that was ORGANIC, fresh, vegan, and oh so easy you will not believe it! Only I didn't have a lime. So mine is Chili BUTTER Corn on the Cob. Only, I hate the word "butter" so it is just Chili Corn on the Cob or whatever. Just good. ok?

What you Need:
Ear of Corn
Vegan Buttery Spread
Chili Powder

What you Do:
Removing the husks from corn is best done over a trash can. 
Then, use a dry cloth to wipe off all the cornsilk. 
Boil water. 
Add corn. 
Bring back to boil. 
Cook for 3-4 minutes. 
Corn is done! 

Rub with vegan buttery spread and dust or dump your chili powder. I prefer to dump it on there! Leftover corn can be cut off the cob and used in a variety of southwest dishes like tacos, burritos, salad, etc.


  1. Looks like a tasty recipe. Can't wait to get some fresh corn to try it out.

  2. Oooh corn is my weakness!! I get so excited for it at the fairs!! I cannot wait to indulge!! Adding chili powder sounds like a fabulous idea!!

  3. I can't wait to start getting sweet corn from the field!

  4. Thanks for the recipe I am trying this real soon!

  5. This looks amazing! Pinning so I can remember to try it. :)

  6. Yum! I wish I could get my hubby to eat corn on the cob!

  7. We love "elotes" this looks delicious

  8. I never considered putting chili powder on my corn, but it sounds really tasty! My husband likes spicy food too so I bet he'd love it.

  9. Ashley Chassereau ParksJune 7, 2015 at 4:12 PM

    I love corn on the cob, especially grilled! I have never tried it with chili powder, but I bet its delicious!! I will have to try it that way! :D

  10. Corn on the cob is the ultimate summer food!

  11. i love corn on the cob love it mostly at cookouts

  12. I roast my corn in the husk. I guess it helps contain the nutrients. The chilli lime flavor is soooo yummy!

  13. I actually just started eating vegan almost two weeks ago so this will be a great recipe to add to my collection.

  14. I've got a ton of corn growing, can't wait to try!!!

  15. I'm the only one in my family that likes to put butter and seasoning on corn but never thought of putting chili, sounds good!


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