Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Veggie Brekkie Toast with Avocado, Hummus, Tomato, and Onion

* I may receive a commission if you buy anything after clicking my links in the following post.

I have a little bit of a breakfast addiction, lately... nothing I should be ashamed of, but I think I've found one of the most perfect and filling plant based vegan breakfast ideas that rivals any kind of bread and savory combo.

The KEY to this toast for me is the incredible flavors that blend together. I'm lucky enough to get the freshest ingredients from Farm Fresh to You delivery in California. I wish they delivered nationwide... worldwide! because they are so good. 

The hummus is one of the best that I've found. It is from Costco. The brand is Pita Pal, it's organic, and they call it Spicy Red Pepper Hummus but I find that it isn't so much spicy and more spiced correctly at least for me and my hubby (pickiest dude on the planet). 2nd pickiest dude hates the hummus but at least he likes the plain Pita Pal Organic from Costco so YAY money savings for me! Organic hummus is $$$ elsewhere!

Anyway, get your ingredients ready...

1 slice of your FAVE bread
1 slathering of your FAVE hummus (I use Costco Pita Pal Spicy Red Pepper Organic)
Tomato slices (I used both red and yellow heirloom varieties from FFTY)
Avocado slices (the FFTY avos I used smelled and tasted BACON-y with #noanimalsharmed
Onion slices
Salt and Pepper to taste (I LOVE cracked pepper on this!!!)

Here's the uh-mazing fruit and vegs we got from Farm Fresh to You this week. You can see the sick heirloom tomatoes. I'm the only one that eats them in the house and I manage to eat most of them. My worm bin is VERY lucky to get a taste of these.

* I also receive a commission if you sign up for the following service. It is a service I use, I've written a sponsored post for Farm Fresh to You in the past, but they did not sponsor or pay for this post.

Sign up for a Farm Fresh to You box now!

Use promo code KRIS3728 for $10 off your first box


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