Thursday, October 1, 2015

All Our Good Vegan Food is on Instagram

I cannot believe how crazy this week has been. I went to my first blogging conference, Shiftcon, up in LA. I commuted 3 days carrying Baby D around in her Tula. Then I caught a delightful cold from my husband. All the running had me on empty and of course I got sick. Luckily, for me, it didn't hit so hard and I was on the mend quickly. Well, I actually don't believe in luck. Truthfully I think it is because of my vegan diet, because I love to eat, and because good food and fresh clean water is moving quickly and efficiently through my body all the times. Almost all the time. Maybe not when you are commuting and running around a blogging conference eating very little all day... dummy *cough*

My son started preschool, and it actually went well, today. I wasn't so sure about it yet, but so far so good. I have had so much going on that I really couldn't even get a decent blog post up anywhere but Instagram so I wanted to make sure if you swing by here, you can check out some of the highlights of great food in The Family D's house in the last few days.

There is much more news and great stuff going on I want to share as soon as I get 100% again but make sure you are following me on Instagram, too! That's where you will see all the good vegan food!


  1. I'd love to try a vegan diet again, but I think I might want some extra guidance from vegans this time.

    God bless,

  2. All of the food always looks so delicious! I have always still wanted to try the vegan lifestyle. I think it would really benefit me and my body!

  3. Your instagram is the best source for our vegan food day! Thanks for sharing.


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