Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Three New Vegan Food Tours in Foodie Destinations Overseas

If you love to travel and prefer plant based food, you may want to check out Intrepid Travel's new vegan food tours in three places known for their culinary scenes: India, Italy and Thailand.

The new tours, with dates in 2019, were developed by Intrepid Travel, the world’s largest adventure travel company, with experts and vegan influencers from around the world. The trips are designed for travelers to experience plant based food and local culture.

“Whether you eat a vegan diet, or just want to test the waters, this new line of vegan adventures will offer authentic culinary adventures and experiences you’ll only discover with an Intrepid local leader. Food travel is here to stay, and it’s our responsibility as a leading travel company to provide a range of offerings that can suit all tastes and lifestyles,” said Neil Coletta, Brand & Product Manager, Food Tours, Intrepid Travel.

The three new vegan food tours:

India Vegan Food Adventure (8 days) – This culinary adventure to Dehli, Jaipur and Agra showcases why this corner of the subcontinent is one of the greatest places in the world for vegan travelers. The itinerary ventures far beyond the masala dosas and veggie samosas of the high street cafes and includes vegan cooking classes and visits to iconic sites like the Taj Mahal. From $1,160 USD

Italy Vegan Food Adventure (8 Days) – In a country known for its cheese, meats and pizza, Italy is also where some of the world’s most progressive and innovative vegan food experiences can be had. Venturing from Venice to Rome, highlights of the trip include a dinner in Venice’s first vegan restaurant, a farm-to-table vegan feast and two nights in an all-vegan villa in Tuscany. From $2,610 USD

Thailand Vegan Food Adventure (8 Days) – Home to some of the world’s most flavorful cuisine, this tour will highlight the legendary and vegan-friendly cuisine of South East Asia, with activities such as a palm sugar demonstration at Tha Kha floating market and preparing a vegan meal under the guidance of a local during an authentic homestay in Chiang Mai. From $1,205 USD

It isn't just about food, for Intrepid Travel, their company is carbon neutral and tours are carbon offset in order to have a sustainable local experience.

“While we recognize that it’s not realistic for everyone around the world to adopt a vegan lifestyle, as a responsible travel company that values purpose initiatives and sustainability in all aspects, we feel it’s important to encourage and celebrate vegan cultures and practices around the world as one way responsible travelers can help save our planet,” said Leigh Barnes, Chief Purpose Officer, Intrepid Travel.

These tours are definitely on my bucket list, especially since we've already been to Italy and never wanted to leave. I would love to eat my way around the country again as a vegan.

For more information about the new Vegan Food Adventures, or to book, visit: 

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