Thursday, February 27, 2014

February is the New Spring in Southern California

We are trying to do a very native friendly garden that doesn't get too out of control with weeds. I think growing our state flower is a good start! I have been growing California Poppies from seeds for the past couple years. I save seed pods and sprinkle them around once I see some coming up on their own. They come up in our small rock pretty well on their own, but this year, we have a bad drought in California.

I was waiting and waiting for the poppies to bloom. I even pulled out the hose to give them a little water. Nothing worked. Finally, it rained today. And my first California Poppy of this season was born.

We also have some other pretty things going on in our garden right now. February is the new Spring in Southern California.

New hydrangea plant is looking pretty happy. Can't wait for flowers!

I guess we did the correct California ground cover in our front yard, since the California Poppy is so super happy here! Disregard the THUMB! What thumb?! The one over the lens in the next picture. I need a new phone. A new camera... thumb is not my only problem these days.

It is a kick a$$ California Poppy plant. I cant wait until this thing blooms like crazy, here. 


  1. Looks awesome. I am so glad its warm there. You have a very beautiful garden

  2. Your garden is so pretty! We're so lucky in California. I live in the desert and there are already areas that have wildflowers!

  3. Those are beautiful! I can not wait to do a garden in our new home. We moved mid summer so I never got anything planted. Can not wait for spring so I can plant something again!


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