Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Organic Garden New and Improved Location

After digging around all summer in the spring and hot summer in our backyard garden, we decided it was not the right place for a garden at all. At a measly 5 hours sunlight per day, it was just a sad garden with not much fruit for our labor. 

We decided to relocate to the side of the house that gets sunlight all day long. It is actually right near our trash (I know, a bunch of cardboard needs to get broken down) and I put everything in pots because we are going to tear up this area when we replace the fence this year. 


I think the potted garden may be a little more eco-friendly because I am not wasting ANY water. It is all contained in the pot when I pour it in and it is ALL watered with reclaimed water from the shower (prior to warming, I collect it in a container), and from washing veggies and fruit, unfinished water glasses, or rinsing out my Vitamix in the kitchen. 

I am just re-using a cleaned out kitty litter container for my plant water. The funnel came from a hardware store and keeps me from making a mess when I pour a bowl of water in it. We "waste" enough water to water ALL of our garden without ever turning on the hose or irrigation. 

It will be interesting to see how sustainable this is for us as our garden grows. We still have quite a bit of space to plant, but I think we've just scratched the surface on how we save and use water in our home.

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