Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Getting Ready for Baby with a Walmart Registry, Pampers® Swaddlers, and Less Stress

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.

Me and my little baby bump snuggler - he's so excited about his baby sister!

As you may know, we are in the home stretch of pregnancy with less than two months left before baby number two makes her debut. I'm feeling the really strong kicking and stretching from this little girl, reminding me that we really need to step up our game in prepping her room, checking all of our gear to see what can be re-used and what needs to be replaced, and making sure she has clothes, diapers, blankets, washcloths etc.

The boys painting the baby's room.

We have a lot of items that can probably be handed down from her big brother, but I want to make sure we are adding enough "girly" things into the mix and confirming things like car seats, swings, and pack and plays are not recalled or need to be replaced.

Although it can seem a little overwhelming at times, I simply cannot wait to meet her and there is a certain amount of confidence and comfort I feel from having been through (survived!) all of this before with my son.

We have our growing family all under control and we will survive... I think.

The BEST Way to Stress Less:

Regardless of whether you are doing it for the first time, or the fourth, and if you are buying everything on your own or having a baby shower where friends and family will be gifting you with baby clothing, supplies, and gear, a baby registry is the best way to organize all the items you need for a newborn, check them off your list, and have less stress overall.

You can't go wrong with diapers on a registry... or a gift card!

If you want a huge selection of the full gamut of baby supplies from diapers to car seats, and wipes to washcloths, I suggest starting a Walmart baby registry because they have everything you could possibly need at great prices and I love that their stores are everywhere making potential returns and exchanges so easy.
You can use Walmart's registry checklist to make sure you don't miss anything.

You can also check out Pampers Baby Basics for Any Mom on Walmart.com’s Parent & Baby Center for resources and tips from experts and other moms.

Check out our Walmart registry for our baby on the way here:
Mommy on the Money and Daddy on the Dollar's Walmart Baby Registry

I think the craziest part of preparing for a newborn is the ridiculous amount of baby products available and trying to separate what you need from the nice-to-haves, especially if you are on a tight budget. For the first time moms, out there, we learned a few things from our first time around that you may want to get at the top of your registry list.

The MUST Haves:

The main things I think you need to have covered are diapers and wipes, clothing and sleepwear, including those little gloves to keep your baby from scratching themselves, a carseat, and a safe crib or bassinet for your baby to sleep with the proper fitted sheets. If you don't plan on breastfeeding, you will need bottles and formula as well.

We have Pampers® Swaddlers Super Pack in size N for our son because they are specially designed for newborns with notches cut for the umbilical cord, they were virtually leakproof for us, and they have the essential little wetness indicator so you don't have to open the diaper every time to check for pee. Pampers® Swaddlers is also the #1 choice of hospitals based on hospital sales data so I suppose we are not the only ones stocking up on these.

Don't forget about everyone else...

I also recommend stocking up on healthy snacks like trail mix, energy, and granola bars, and filling your freezer and cupboard with easy to heat meals like frozen pasta dishes and canned soups. Cooking and eating meals can be tricky with a newborn and you will need to keep your energy level up to stay on your "A" game.

The NICE to Haves... or Not:

Some things that we could have saved money by not buying at all are the changing table (we found that setting up a diaper changing station with a changing pad on our bathroom counter was much easier and more efficient for us), and the crib set (newborns don't need a quilt, dust ruffle, or crib bumper - you can simply buy a fitted crib sheet and you're all set).

Our #1 little bug on his first night home from the hospital - can't wait to go for round two!!!

For first time parents, when your baby arrives, make sure you are napping when your baby naps, not putting too much pressure on yourselves for anything, and enjoying every moment you can with your newborn. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and don't worry - eventually you will get on a schedule that will allow for a little more sleep. Having your beautiful baby is a lot of work, but the connection and love you feel is beyond anything you have ever known.

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  1. The best phrase at the end is not being afraid of asking for help when needed, it is so true; sometimes a little needed help is nothing to be ashamed of!

  2. Great tips! I have to little girls and it's funny what seemed important the first time really wasn't the second go around. I do have to say though I LOVE decorating my girls' rooms and I bought the bumper & all for both, even though they''re 18 months apart. :)

  3. These are great tips for first time parents. Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a cutie you have already! I will have to keep these tips in mind for the future!

  5. Thanks for the great list of stuff! First baby coming this year, can't wait!

  6. Aww! Congratulations! Looks like you are definitely getting there. The "no stressing " part is most important and I like your list!

  7. Congratulations! What an exciting time of life!


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