Monday, March 16, 2015

Bathroom Decorating with Mosaic Tile that will Blow Your Mind

We are thinking of ideas to decorate our plain, boring, and outdated bathrooms and I have a tendency to go over the top with color and texture and letting my creativity run wild. At least I thought so, until I found these bathrooms covered in floor to ceiling in colorful tiles and mosaics. Bright, artsy, original, and definitely one of a kind; these rooms are like nothing you have ever seen.

The "Gaudi Submarine" bathroom in San Francisco, CA is truly a work of art. Notice the bathtub is painted to look like the Beatles Yellow Submarine.

The tilework in this room makes me wonder how they decorated the rest of the house...

I know this isn't something that everyone could live with, but I certainly could. Although purchasing all the glass tile could get expensive, and all the design, cutting, and work involved could be very time consuming, even for an arty type like me...

If the explosion of color in the last bathroom was too much for you, maybe you would like the modern and blue tones with a dash of yellow in the next bathroom.

The glass plates that are hung on the railing above act as a shower curtain for this space. I would wonder about cleaning and how time consuming that would be... especially because I'm a horrible housekeeper. The concept is unique and cool looking nonetheless.

The mosaics cover counters, floors and curved and geometric surfaces throughout this space. With circular windows and skylights that carry on the circle theme in the rooom.

You truly get the feeling that you are in the deep blue sea inside this space, almost as if you are in a cavern in the ocean floor.

This is definitely a space for someone who appreciates art and craftsmanship and basically wants to shower and bathe surrounded by their artwork.

This Tropical Bathroom by Buellton Tile, Stone & Countertops is my kids' bathroom inspiration. The mosaics are fun, cute, and sea creature themed. The bathtub/shower is an under the sea mosaic that may or may not have a "Nemo" and "Dori" swimming around inside.

The coolest thing is that the mosaic design is continued on the floor and across the entire room.

Here is another similar bathroom by the same company where they do the same "river" of mosaic onto the floor. So cute!

I don't know if we are brave enough to attempt something like this, but I know we would really love to do this kind of custom tilework in at least one of our bathrooms. Would you?


  1. This is amazing and I need to try this... i need it.

  2. I'd definitely try it if I had money to. I'd never leave such bathroom!

  3. My bathroom has no style, and this proves how very little, best get busy!!

  4. Gosh these are gorgeous. I don't know if I would want the entire room in this but I do like the thought of one wall and I do like the walkway in the kids bathroom.


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