Friday, May 22, 2015

Vegan Strawberry Pecan Oatmeal Whole Wheat Pancakes

I came home from our Florida trip to our Farm Fresh to You box put away in the fridge. I knew I was going to be home alone with the kids for the week while Hubby took a trip to Japan, so I ordered a nice box of fruit and veggies and basically just relied on my stockpile and bulk items to create a few things we could eat all week. I had gotten two boxes of fresh strawberries so I turned one into pancakes!

Usually if I put a little bit of chopped strawberries in a pancake I can't taste it all. This time, I put an entire 16 oz. box save a little for topping in this recipe.

I used half organic whole wheat pastry flower, 1/4 oats, and 1/4 pecans to make this hearty and healthy pancake which is moist and sweet with strawberries.

2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup rolled oats ground in food processor or oat flour
1 cup pecans chopped (or walnuts)
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons sugar (or coconut sugar)
3 cups non-dairy milk (I used soy)
4 tablespoons coconut oil or vegetable oil (plus some for your pan if you need)
1 teaspoon vanilla
16 oz. fresh strawberries chopped (save some for topping)

Yield 8-10 medium pancakes.


In one bowl, mix your flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, oats, and pecans.

If coconut oil is used, warm it up in the microwave, or I just sit mine in a heat safe bowl sitting right on my hot skillet to turn it into liquid if it is not in a liquid state.

Dig a hole in the middle of your dry mixture and pour your milk and vanilla into the center. Slowly stir the dry ingredients into the milk. DO NOT over-mix. Do not worry too much about lumps. Over-mixing will result in a less fluffy pancake.

Once fully mixed, add in your liquefied coconut oil.

Then add your strawberries to your mixture.

Set your mixture aside and heat your skillet to low-medium. Coat your pan in a little coconut oil and pour your pancake on. Once bubbles form, it should be ready to flip. The correct temp pan will produce a golden brown pancake.


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