Wednesday, August 12, 2015

7 Uses for Huggies Wipes on Beach and Camping Trips

We just got back from our first beach camping trip this summer, at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point, California and we wanted to share a few what we thought were uncommon uses from the Huggies Wipes we picked up from Walmart on our way out of town!

The campground is only about an hour north of where we live and we have an RV, so we are not truly roughing it, but there were no hookups (meaning no running water or electricity supplied at the campsite). For anyone who has camped at the beach with little kids, you know how everything from their toes to their nose gets covered in dust, sand, and sunscreen and - NO sink or shower to save you.

This is why Huggies® Wipes are always in our RV, our car, and our beach bag and we've found many clever uses for these wipes that go way past just the baby's bottom. Camping is too much fun to let a little dirt and mess ruin it!

When you are out and about, on the go, and on the road, Huggies Wipes in one of their refillable and super-cute Huggies Clutch n Cleans are one of my top travel accessories. Not only do they come in a attractive cases, they are now improved with Triple Clean Layers.

In much the same way that I have to have multiple tubes of sunscreen and bottles of hand sanitizer, I stash Huggies Clutch n Cleans in their small, pretty, and convenient pouches in our cars, RV, camping gear, beach gear, and of course, the diaper bag.

Some wipes are for the baby, but most are not...

I thought I'd share some of the more uncommon uses we've come up with for Huggies® Wipes for the whole family during our summer trips on the go...

Because Kids Outgrow Diapers, Not Messes.*

1. Washing dirty hands - When our 3 year old is sunscreened every 2 hours and smothered in dirt and sand at our campsite where there is no sink, Huggies® Wipes get his hands clean enough to eat. We can all get a quick handwash without a sink in sight! That's all we need. Don't bother going wiping any further unless its bedtime. The more sand and dirt on the kids, the less sunscreen needed. There's something to be said for rolling a freshly sunscreened toddler in the sand and they LOVE it!

2. Wiping down your vehicle - Our RV, which was THE must-have household big purchase bonus item of 2014, became the abandoned cabin on wheels of 2015. Covered in layers of dust to mark the months of dormancy, or grime of constant use, cars and RVs interiors and exteriors can be wiped down with Huggies® Wipes, from wiping your windshield and dashboard, to taillights and toilet.

3. Wiping down your stuff - As camping things are unpacked, set-up, and moved into, the dust of last years family trip can be stripped away with Huggies® Wipes so the dirt of new memories can pile up. Toys, tools, cooking supplies, tents, tarps, you name it - you can clean it!

4. Washing the sunscreen off our faces - You probably think to wipe your baby's face when she has a peanut butter and jelly line across her cheeks from her sandwich. It is also a good idea to remember to wipe things you can't see off, like sunscreen which can smear into their eyes and burn. I like to do a quick face clean-up on the kids' faces, and mine, too, to get the sunscreen residue off once the sun is heading down for the night so we can enjoy the campfire and stars with a clean and fresh feeling face

5. Washing dirty off the little kids - Ok, so it's bedtime at camp and your kid who has only allowed you to wash his hands all day wants to climb into the top bunk in your RV or on your freshly sheeted self-inflating air mattress... Give him a Huggies® Wipes bath! Wipe head to toe, using several wipes. It knocks the sand off, too!

6. Washing camp or picnic dishes - Everyone in our family has a plate for camping, so we don't have to constantly buy paper or plastic plates, but without a sink to wash, I remove most of the food with a fork and paper product. Then I wipe the dishes clean with a Huggies® Wipe and then wipe dry with a dishcloth or towel.

7. Washing the dogs feet - You could get a "wipe your paws" sign, but I've tried it and it doesn't seem to work. You want in my tent? 2 leggers and 4 leggers wipe their feet before getting into bed when they are camping. No exceptions!

What CAN'T You Wipe with Huggies Wipes??

Pretty much anything that gets dirt, sand, or barbeque sauce can get wiped down with Huggies® Wipes, so make sure you have a pack on hand for your next beach or camping trip...

but my best advice? 

Don't sweat the small stuff too much (and by that I mean lots of very small dirt particle stuff).

Beach and camp trips are supposed to be fun and full of dirt and sand - everywhere. That is how you know you've had a good time!

Do you have any uncommon uses for wipes?

Let us know in the comments below!


  1. thank you for sharing
    i should tell my sister about this
    you have wonderful family

  2. These are great tips! Thanks! I totally agree with you....Huggies wipes aren't just for babies anymore!! I even use them on my cat's butt, when she gets messy....she's almost 18!!!

  3. Great tips for baby wipes uses. I keep baby wipes in the car for those messy moment the kids have. I like baby wipes

  4. Yes, Huggies wipes would be a big plus to have along on a camping trip and at the beach!

  5. What an awesome family adventure! I agree, Huggies wipes can be used in a zillion ways, many of which I have personally done.

  6. I use baby wipes to remove my makeup :) it works !


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