Friday, March 17, 2017

St. Patrick's Day LEGO Shamrock Salt Dough Craft

We had so much fun doing LEGO stamping on salt dough for Valentine's Day and made these cute little decorations to hang up. I thought I'd do another design with the kids for St. Patrick's Day. Salt dough is super easy to make and it is quite simple to make a LEGO shamrock shape and stamp it in.

What you need for the LEGO Shamrock Salt Dough Stamping Craft

We love salt dough. It is a simple recipe with only salt, flour, and water. To make the LEGO shamrock shape you will need a 1x4 brick and 2x2 round brick. I used the leaf piece to make it look like a little bit of grass and the little rocket bottom piece to fill in the center on one.

If you don't want to do the LEGO stamping or you don't have any LEGO for the littler kids, yet, you can just have fun making shapes and using cookie cutters. We did a little shamrock shape. I'm going to hang these little decorations on a holiday theme wall with other seasonal artwork and photos.

Here are some pictures of how the LEGO works in salt dough from our Valentine's project:


You can use any LEGO pieces you like to stamp. You can head on over to our Valentine's post to see some other ideas of what we did with our LEGO.

We used a dough scraper to get the designs off the table.

You can also make a design by stacking LEGO bricks and print that onto the salt dough.

Then you bake your salt dough designs...  

*DON'T bake your LEGO!!!*

It probably goes without saying but make sure all of your LEGO is removed before the dough goes in the oven or it will likely get ruined.

and paint them!

Salt Dough Recipe


2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water

We used watercolor paint in tubes and a little ribbon to finish these off.


Mix salt and flour together. Then add water and mix, kneading with your hands to form a soft dough. If dough is too dry, add more water, if dough is too sticky, add more flour. 

If dough starts to dry out, you can add more water until it softens again and it can be stored in the fridge to keep it fresh if you have any left over. 

If you make things you want to keep out of your salt dough, just bake at 250 degrees in your oven for 1-2 hrs depending on how thick your object is.

Store your leftover dough in the refrigerator in an airtight container for several weeks.

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